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Privacy Policy

The Garden Store (S) Pte. Ltd. (The Garden Store) is totally committed to protecting the privacy of our site visitors and customers. We fully appreciate and respect the importance of privacy on the Internet.

Your Consent

We strive continuously to provide quality products with sincere attitude as our utmost priority. We are able to do better by collecting personal information at your consent when you join The Garden Store or when you make a purchase from this website. By registering your details on our website, you consent to The Garden Store maintaining, recording, holding and using personal data we collect about you.

We will not sell, or make available your personal details including your name, address, email address, credit card information or personal information to any third party other than where necessary to perform a service, such as courier companies carrying out deliveries.

Information can also be collected to allow The Garden Store to send you offers which we believe will be of particular interest to you. 

If you would prefer not to receive emails from The Garden Store, please visit the 'Email Preferences' section of Your Account where you can update your email notification preferences.


The Garden Store uses 'cookies' placed in the browser file to help us collect general information about the behaviour of visitors on our site. This helps us to constantly monitor and improve our website's functionality and personality.

We use cookies for a variety of reasons, such as remembering the contents of your shopping cart and displaying the products you have recently viewed. We also use analytics software, which allows us to track and measure patterns of behaviour among our users so that we can improve our website.

We do not store anything that could identify you personally in cookies; instead we store codes and references which can only be connected to your personal details by our own systems.

Online Security

All information is sent and received using the latest in secure e-commerce software, encryption and secure sockets layer (SSL) technology for the transfer of payment information. Additionally, we have security measures in place to protect our customer database and access to this database is restricted internally.

If you have any questions relating to privacy matters please contact us by email on enquiry@thegardenstore.sg