Allamanda blanchetii Purple

  • $38.00

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Ex Tax: $38.00

Availability: In Stock

Product Code: PLANT-PR00496

Tags:  OutdoorLandscape PlantOrnamental Flowers

Fact Sheet and Plant Guide

Scientific Name: 

Allamanda blanchetii, Allamanda purpurea, Allamanda violacea


Allamanda purple also knows as Cherry Allamanda is a vigorous and fast-growing tropical shrub.

It produces pink to reddish-purple colour trumpet flowers in 7-10cm throughout the year.

Opening from burgundy-brown buds, the flower stand out against the bright green foliage.

Grow up to 6-10ft tall as a vine or pruned into a shorter bushy shrub.

Allamanda blooms on new growth, remove seedpods to keep new growth and flowering.

Pot dimension:  

Ø26cm x H22cm

Overall Plant Height:

30-40cm (Approx.)


Full sun to partial sun


Check regularly and water as needed. Never let the soil dry out completely.


Apply an all-purpose fertilizer to encourage growth anf flowering.


Gently remove/trim away any dry, brown, or yellowish leaves, drying seedpods by using a pair of secateurs.

Trimming allows available nutrients in the soil to be transferred into the new leaves which encourage intentional growth.

Also, trimming allows your plants to retain in a good shape and keep pests, fungal and diseases away.


*Photo for illustration only. Actual product may vary due to the nature of the product. 

*Pot color and size may vary and change Subject to Availability.


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